Sunday 22 February 2015

Exploring My First Teaching Belief in A Blog Post

When i exploring the teacher's role, behavior, and strategies, it  must be that established mission and goals, the curriculum, and agreed-upon learning principles.Also, teaching is successful only if we cause learning related to purpose.Helping students implement  concepts, such as math or  science through classroom instruction and presentations.The teachers's role is also to prepare lessons, grade papers, manage the classroom etc. 

Considering about the different roles of a teacher might  have, i think the teacher must encourage their students to participate in class and make suggestions about how students may proceed in an activity.In addition, the role of participants improves the atmosphere in the class when the teacher takes part in an activity. However, the teacher takes a risk of dominating the activity when performing it.For example, if a teacher is able to stand back and not become the center of attention, it can be a great way to interact with learners without being too overpowering.

The several of roles guarantee that teachers can find ways to lead that fit their talents and interests. Regardless of the roles they assume, teacher leaders shape the culture of their schools, improve student learning, and influence practice among their peers.

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