Sunday 30 November 2014

Session 7:Enhancing learning with video

How well did your teachers use video in your lessons at school.  Do you think that videos could have enhanced your learning in some subjects.  As a teacher, think of a situation where you would get students to create an animation as part of the learning process?  How do you think this might affect the learning process for the students?

The purpose of using video in the classroom is that try to help students to understand of the subject with visual things.(i.e video, image ) Actually my teachers did not prefer to give the lesson with visual things.But if they have used, it would be easy to understand of the content. I think, videos could have enhanced our learning in some subjects. As a teacher, creating an animation helps the learning process in order to preventing to forget what they learn in the lesson.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think just like you, Selime. It would be better for understanding a subject by watching a video about the subject.

  3. Hi Selime, I agree with you. The using of video in lesson is very effective and instructive for students.
