Monday 29 September 2014

What is 21st century education?

We are living a world wihich is changing day by day.We need to prepare our students 21st century skills.They like critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity!


  1. What instructional technologies do you see in the picture? Of the eight 'literacies' we read about in chapter 1, which did these students develop in their education? Do you think that these students had less critical thinking skills, were less able to collaborate and were less creative as a result of not having exposure to the technologies we know today? Does technology make the difference?

  2. I see blackboard, chalk etc. in the picture.. Text literacy develops these students in their education. I think these students had not less critical thinking skill. Able to collaborate and creative havent emerged because of the without of the technology. Of course, technology make the diffences not only education area but also lots of area which are in medicine, in commercial areas, in art etc.
